10 Prayers for Weathering Life’s Storms Together

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Marriage can be tough sometimes. When things get hard, it’s good to talk to God together. Here are some prayers to help you and your partner get through the tough times:

#1: When We’re Too Tired to Try

Dear God, we’re so tired. It feels like we’ve been fighting the same battles forever. Help us find the energy to keep going. Remind us why we fell in love in the first place. Show us the good things about each other that we might be forgetting. Give us the strength to be kind, even when we don’t feel like it. Help us remember that our love is worth fighting for, even on the hardest days. Please give us a fresh start and the courage to keep trying. Amen.

#2: Help Us Listen, Not Just Talk

Dear God, sometimes it feels like we’re talking, but not really hearing each other. Please help us to truly listen. Open our ears and our hearts. Teach us to be patient and try to understand, even when we disagree. Help us to put aside our anger and really hear what our partner is saying. Give us the wisdom to know when to speak and when to be quiet. Show us how to communicate with love and respect, even during arguments. Help us remember we’re on the same team. Amen.

#3: When Money Worries Take Over

Dear God, we’re stressed about money, and it’s causing fights between us. Please help us to work together instead of against each other. Give us wisdom to make good choices with our money. Help us to be honest with each other about our spending and our fears. Remind us that our relationship is more important than material things. Show us ways to have fun and enjoy life without spending a lot. Help us trust that you’ll provide for our needs. Give us peace in our hearts and in our home. Amen.

#4: Finding Joy in the Little Things Again

Dear God, life has become so serious lately. We miss laughing together and enjoying the small moments. Please help us rediscover the joy in our marriage. Open our eyes to the little blessings we might be overlooking. Teach us to be silly sometimes and not take everything so seriously. Help us create new, happy memories together. Remind us of the things we used to do that made us smile. Give us the energy to plan fun dates and adventures, even if they’re small. Help our home be filled with more laughter than stress. Amen.

#5: When One of Us is Hurting

Dear God, my partner is going through a tough time, and I don’t know how to help. Please give me patience and understanding. Show me how to be supportive without trying to fix everything. Help me listen without judgment and offer comfort when needed. Give my partner strength to get through this difficult time. Remind us both that we’re not alone – we have each other and we have you. Help us grow closer through this challenge instead of letting it pull us apart. Give us hope for better days ahead. Amen.

#6: Rebuilding Trust After a Mistake

Dear God, trust has been broken in our marriage, and we’re hurting. Please help us find a way to heal. Give us the courage to be honest with each other, even when it’s hard. Help the one who made the mistake to truly understand the pain they caused and to work to make things right. Help the one who was hurt to find a way to forgive, even though it’s not easy. Remind us of the good in each other and in our marriage. Guide us as we rebuild our relationship, making it even stronger than before. Amen.

#7: When We Feel Like Strangers

Dear God, we’ve grown apart and sometimes feel like strangers living in the same house. Please help us find our way back to each other. Remind us of the things we love about one another. Give us the courage to be vulnerable and share our true feelings. Help us make time for each other in our busy lives. Show us how to be friends again, not just partners. Teach us to appreciate our differences instead of letting them divide us. Rekindle the spark that brought us together in the first place. Amen.

#8: Choosing Love When It’s Hard

Dear God, loving each other feels really difficult right now. Everything seems to turn into an argument. Please soften our hearts towards each other. Help us choose love, even when we don’t feel like it. Remind us of our wedding vows and why we made them. Give us the strength to be kind and gentle, even when we’re frustrated. Help us see the best in each other, not just the annoying parts. Teach us to forgive quickly and not hold grudges. Show us how to love like you love us – unconditionally and patiently. Amen.

#9: Finding ‘Us’ After Becoming Parents

Dear God, since we had kids, it feels like we’ve lost touch with each other as a couple. Help us find ways to connect, even in the chaos of family life. Remind us that our marriage needs care and attention too. Give us creative ideas for date nights, even if we can’t leave the house. Help us support each other as parents without forgetting to be partners. Teach us to work as a team and to make time for just the two of us. Help us love each other not just as mom and dad, but as husband and wife too. Amen.

#10: Growing Old Together with Grace

Dear God, as we get older, we face new challenges in our marriage. Our bodies are changing, and sometimes our minds too. Please help us to be patient with each other’s limitations. Give us a sense of humor about the aging process. Help us to support each other through health issues and life changes. Remind us of the beauty of growing old together. Show us how to keep our love fresh and exciting, even after many years. Thank you for all the years we’ve had, and help us make the most of the years to come. Amen.

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  1. Thank you for sending me this prayer at the time most needed.
    Thank you thank you thank you.

    1. Dear Marie,
      I’m so glad to hear that these prayers reached you at just the right moment. It’s wonderful when we find comfort and strength in our faith, especially during challenging times. I hope these prayers continue to provide you with peace and guidance as you navigate life’s storms.
      Thank you for taking the time to share your appreciation. It means a lot to know that these words have made a positive impact.
      Wishing you all the best,

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